java.servlet package

Chris Tomlinson writes:
 > Hi,
 > There seems to be a difference between the java.servlet package in the
 > current SDK from sun and the one that was used for JigSaw in the current
 > 1.0a5 release.
 > Specifically the interface ServletStub doesn't exist. And there seem to be
 > some new methods defined on  HttpServletRequest(getIntHeader,
 > getDateHeader, ...) and ServletContext (getAttribute, log).
 > Is there another more appropriate java.servlet package? I haven't found any
 > other.

The servlet support hasn't been upgraded to the latest servlet API
version (which has been out for a week only). It will be upgraded
before next release, of course.


Received on Friday, 14 March 1997 02:12:23 UTC