Rebuild Admin (again)

I posted the following message last month from an account that proved less than
stable.  My apologies to the list.  Could I trouble you for a repost? 
> I'm installing Jigsaw 1.0alpha3 on WIndows NT v3.51 sp3 and I can't get the
> editor to display in my browser (IE v2 16bit).  The WWW/Admin directory is
empty and there > is no files with this path in the distribution archive
( off the W3 server).  I 
> didn't see anything in the documentation that says you have to build this
> (WWW/Admin) or did I miss it?  Can anyone step me through building this from
source?  TIA, 
> much appreciated.

E-mail from: Cliff Wheatley, 21-Jan-1997

Received on Wednesday, 22 January 1997 00:17:06 UTC