Re: Error Indexing

Anselm Baird_Smith wrote:

> I guess the scripts you want to index all have the ".cgi" extension ?
> If this is the case, then you might be hitting a bug :-(


> If you turn Jigsaw in trace mode (add -trace to the command line), you
> should be able to get more infos (ie where the exception is thrown).

Great.. we can give this a try and we will let you know of the results.

>  > Before we did this, we could at least see the html files, but now we
>  > can't see anything under Excite with the Editor.
> That's strange, have you tried querying one the html files, by
> pointing a browser to /Excite/xxx.html ?

I'll try this as well.


Received on Tuesday, 14 January 1997 12:42:04 UTC