Unpickling ATTR_URL


I've noticed that ATTR_URL is a computed attribute, however I've yet to
actually track down where it is computed... Is it a obsolete attribute ?

If not, presumably I have to overload the unpickleInstance method to
re-calculate it from the parent's URL and my identifier - does this have
to be done for any resource using it (ATTR_URL that is) ?

Am I just totally confused/mad ? (Answers on a postcard please... ) 

PS. Downtime on my site on Thursday/Friday was due to hacker activity
- we should be back to normal now ;-(
Joel.Crisp@bris.ac.uk | ets-webmaster@bris.ac.uk  | "I remember Babylon" -
Software Engineer, Institute of Learning and      |        Arthur C Clarke
Research Technology, University of Bristol, UK    |
http://www.ets.bris.ac.uk/                        |

Received on Monday, 2 December 1996 14:47:25 UTC