why does Jigsaw stall?

Les Stockton writes:
 > I loaded Jigsaw on a Solaris box about 10 days ago.  One thing that annoys
 > me and is a repeatable problem, is that when I try to view a page that has
 > a gif on it, Jigsaw seems to stall for a few minutes before finally delivering the
 > entire picture.
 >  One page that I hit most, delivers a medium-sized gif that is 15k in size.
 > I'd figure this to be of no big consequence, and it certainly causes no problem
 > for other httpd servers.  Is there any configuration issue that needs adjusting?
 > What might be the problem, and has anyone else observed similar problems?

That's reallyt strange, I'll run a test myself, but would be more then
surprise if it didn't work. BTW What browser were you using when you
conducted the test ?


Received on Wednesday, 27 November 1996 05:09:45 UTC