Re: The new MS Java JDK

>I just downloaded the latest version of Jigsaw and the Microsoft Java JDK. 
>The Microsoft JDK will not run the Jigsaw program!  It gets stuck loading
>the preferences.  The Sun JDK will run Jigsaw.  Does anyone know why it
>will not run?  It would be nice to run Jigsaw on a JIT!
>Thank you for your time and attention.

I run Jigsaw with Symantec Cafe 1.51. Symantec also uses a JIT and Jigsaw is incredible fast.
Also debugging works fine.


Wolfgang Platzer
Technische Universitaet Graz - University of Technology Graz
Institut für Angewandte Informationsverarbeitung 
und Kommunikationstechnologien
Klosterwiesgasse 32/I, A-8010 Graz, 
Tel: ++43 316 873-5527
Fax: ++43 316 873-5520

Received on Thursday, 17 October 1996 03:06:22 UTC