Re: Clarification on the indexer

Anselm Baird-Smith wrote:
> Are you familiar with the way Jigsaw's indexer work ? WHat happens is
> the following: when a directory resource is queried for an URL it
> doesn't know about, it checks to see if an appropriate file exsist. If
> so, it hands it out to the resource indexer, that will return a
> suitable resource for that file (depending on extensions, if this is a
> file, or directory templates if it is a directory).

You make this sound quite simple but from what I've seen in the
source code its not so!

> One thing I could do (let me know if this would help you), is the
> following: make the ResourceIndexer an interface, and make the current
> resource indexer a SampleResourceIndexer, implementing that
> interface. I would then add a new property to Jigsaw in order to know
> what indexer class it should use as an indexer.
> If this makes sense (BTW to anyone) then the ResourceIndexer interface
> would probably look like:
> public interface ResourceIndexer {
>      public Resource createDirectoryResource(File directory
>                                              , String name
>                                              , Hashtable defs);
>      public Resource createFileResource(File file
>                                         , String name
>                                         , Hashtable defs);
> }
> The File parameter is the "object" to be indexed (it has to be refered
> to by something, in this case a File instance).
> The name is the identifier for the resource to be created (can be
> different from the file's name)
> The defs hashtable is a set of default attribute values for the
> resource to be created.
> If this would be of any use to anyone let me know. Note that you could
> implement such an interface, and "chain" indexer together. Say you
> implement the FancyResourceIndexer, if it doesn't know how to create a
> resource, it could forward the call to a "default"
> SampleResourceIndexer instance.

This sounds useful to me!  I am interested in extending resource
indexing so that indexes would be replicated between a group of

To do this I would need to know when resources were created and
deleted.  I've looked at adding this to the current indexing
mechanism but been buried under a pile of classes and interfaces!!
> I think I could find the time to make that change, but before going
> further, I want to make sure it will be usefull to anyone. So let me
> know.
> Anselm.

Bernard Leach                    La Trobe Uni Melbourne Australia

Received on Thursday, 5 September 1996 12:40:35 UTC