Will Jigsaw use proxies?


Thinking about the promise I gave to Anselm to write annotation filter, I
suddenly remembered a small detail.

In an environment sitting behind the firewall, I would not like to have
Jigsaw as a real proxy at this stage (nor would I be able to persuade our
webmaster to do it anyway). What I would like to do instead is to make
Jigsaw a second level proxy. Would that be possible to do with next release
of Jigsaw?

Basically, it would mean that Jigsaw can talk TO the proxy, not just being one.

Related question: Using Jigsaw as a proxy means it cannot serve as a normal
server anymore? Or Jigsaw would be differenciating between normal GET and
proxy type GET and behave differently?

Sorry for confusing question, but I did not think about low level details
in proxy communication before this morning. :-{


--------| I feel as confused as a baby in a topless bar. |--------

Received on Monday, 26 August 1996 00:29:48 UTC