Re: Writing a new resource class

> Invalid class name: w3c.jigsaw.tutorial.FancyResource. Check the name of the 
> class for a typo, and than, check your CLASSPATH variable.
> setenv CLASSPATH 
> "~wplatzer/java/JDK/classes:~wplatzer/java/Jigsaw/classes/"
> Shall I change the CLASSPATH variable ?
> How shall I change it ?

I guess right now FancyResource.class is in
which is not in the CLASSPATH if you look at it closely.

Either put FancyResource.class into
(create these directories)
or add FancyResource.class to in the right location...

The first option probably makes more sense.

Greetings, Heiner

Received on Friday, 5 July 1996 05:27:44 UTC