
Rolande Kendal writes:
 > I like it, but... I don't yet understand it.
 > I have two identical files files in my User directory differring only by
 > their extentions:
 > ControlButton.txt
 > ControlButton.java
 > When I use my browser to access http:\\www.ir.com\User\ControlButton.txt,
 > I get the text as expected.
 > When I use my browser to access http:\\www.ir.com\User\ControlButton.java,
 > I get an error stating "Document /User/ControlSelect.java not found on this
 > server."

You may have to register the ".java" extension as a "known
extension". In order to do this, you wil have to point your browser to
/Admin/Extensions then follow the AddExtension link. This will prompt
you for an extension name (in your case .java), and the Java class for
3exporting these files (in your case,
w3c.jigsaw.resources.FileResource). Once you have done this, go back
to the list of extensions (in /Admin/Extensions), click on the java
extension, and set the content-type to the defaulkt "text/plain" (with
no quotes) value.

If this doesn't work, let  me know...


Received on Sunday, 30 June 1996 20:21:59 UTC