HTTP-NG and HTTP/1.1

S. Budd writes:
 > Is there any co-ordination going on
 > about HTTP.  I am seeing a new
 > draft of HTTP-1.1 about to become a
 > IETF draft and then jigsaw is
 > implementing a HTTP-NG.
 > Who to follow?

Good question. Right now Jigsaw is 1.0 compatible (and incorporate
some 1.1 features such as chunk-encoding). I am heavily working on  a
new Mime+Http parser, that will bring Jigsaw to 1.1, my guess is that
by the end of July (if god allows) Jigsaw will be able to run as a 1.1
caching proxy (once you have the 1.1 support, it should be pretty
easy, check

Now for HTTP-NG, the w3c.mux package implements the MUX protocol
specified by Jim Gettys. At this point this is *not* a final spec, and
my implementation was rather a mean to give some feedback on the spec
itself. However, the path as I see it (I am speaking of things I am
not totally aware of) is for HTTP2.0 to be HTTP1.1 on top of MUX, and
then leave it to HTTP/3.0 to be HTTP-NG.


Received on Friday, 7 June 1996 09:32:23 UTC