Ideal SocketClientFactory settings?


We are using Jigsaw 2.1.2 on the following:
1.	Windows NT server: P-III 500 MHz/256 MB/ 10 GB HDD
2.	Solaris Sun Spark Ultra10/ 440 MHz / 18 GB HDD/ 256 MB

Can anybody suggest the ideal settings for SocketClientFactory constants
i.e. maxClients, hence the rest maxFree, maxIdle, minFree etc. I know that
the default config assumes 64 max simultaneous connections, the default on
Solaris! We currently want to support at least 50 concurrent users, does
that mean 50 x 2 simultaneous connections (one connection requires at least
two file handles)??


Received on Thursday, 5 September 2002 05:38:33 UTC