Re: release schedule of upcoming 2.2.2?

On Thu, 7 Nov 2002 wrote:

> Hello from Japan,
> Yves, when are you going to release the final code of 2.2.2, not preview?
> I would like to use it for the testing.thanks!

Final code would be release before the end of the yea.
> Also, I would like to know some reference sites or demo site that using
> Jigsaw. Someone knows them?

W3C's lists server ( is running Jigsaw.
also however the machine is physically off, I hope to have it fixed RSN.

> Or, some benchmark data of current Jigsaw version against apache (wirh
> Perl) will be helpful for me.

I didn't try with perl, so I can't comment, but I recently produced new
numbers that I will use to update the performance page. Also, I managed to
have better result on the same machine than Apache, but as I am not an
expert in tuning Apache, I am taking those results with a grain of salt.
For servlet, a previous bench done by a german site was showing that
native java servers were far faster than non-java servers.

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 11:36:02 UTC