Patch: Simple SSL Support using jdk1.4


there has been some talk on this list about SSL support recently, so somebody
may find the attached patch useful. It adds server-side support for SSL to jigsaw.


* ssl_for_server_sockets.patch

patches class /org/w3c/jigsaw/http/socket/

Uses jdk1.4* to provide server-side ssl support

set the property org.w3c.jigsaw.SSLHACK == true in server.props file

You need to create a "keystore" with the keytool programm 
(part of jdk1.4) with at least a single self-signed certificate.
 for examples)

Add the relevant system properties to the Jigsaw start-script using
 the -Dproperty=value parameter .
(At least and
 are required)


I also tried to add SSL support for the client side to create an HTTPS proxy,
however that does not work for me, maybe some else knows what's wrong?
Please see the second patch ( for some classes in org/w3c/www/protocol/http ).

Best regards,

Dipl.-Inform. Lars Brückner 
IT Transfer Office, Darmstadt University of Technology
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Received on Friday, 24 May 2002 05:18:10 UTC