RE: Proxy server..

Hi again,
       Actually now instead of returning the jigsaw Overview.html page, it
returns an Http error along the lines of

>An Http error occured while getting:
>Details "Unable to contact target server after 3

Has anyone had any problems be they similar or not with setting up jigsaw as
a proxy? I'd really appreciate any answers.


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Mark Gargan
Sent: 04 March 2002 10:51
Subject: Proxy server..

Hi there,
    I've been asked in work to set up Jigsaw as a proxy server. I have
followed the documentation on the website to the tee but whenever I've tried
an outside URL all I receive back is the Jigsaw overview page.. Maybe I've
configured my browser incorrectly. I'm using Ie5 so I went to
Tools-->InternetOptions-->Connections tab-->LAN settings and then in the
proxy server box I entered the name of my computer in the address box and
the port 8001 in the port box. Am I missing anything? Any help would be
greatly appreciated as the deadline for this is coming up fast.

Thanks for any help,

Received on Monday, 4 March 2002 07:52:48 UTC