Jigsaw and JSP

Hi all,

Well I have been in a fix for bout 3 days now trying to figure out how to
run jsp on jigsaw, I have tried working with tomcat, and gnujsp, and still
have not been able to do anything.

First about the version and the platform

I have a cyrix m2 machine running windows nt 4.0 with iis4.0 and sp5
I have jigsaw 2.1.1 running on this machine, (it is running fine)
I downloaded gnujsp1.0 and configured it according to the help on the site,

I am still unable to run any jsp script, can someone guide me through a
tested installation of gnujsp. sometimes i get the error
noclassdeffounderror org/gjt/jsp/JspServlet << i dont know why

please help me. I have JDK 1.2.2 installed on the machine too.. and have
modified my jigsaw start up file as

java -classpath %CLASSPATH% org.w3c.jigsaw.Main -root ..\Jigsaw

When i do this, i get the following lines

loading properties from: D:\Jigsaw\scripts\..\Jigsaw\config\server.props
*** salvaging resource manager state...
*** resource store state salvaged, using: 1
*** Warning : JigAdmin[2.1.1]: no logger specified, not logging.
JigAdmin[2.1.1]: serving at http://taurus:8009/
Jigsaw[2.1.1]: serving at http://taurus:8001/

I dont get any confirmation as some people have said on mailing lists that
gnujsp is running..

Gagandeep Singh Sapra
CEO, System 3 Solutions (http://www.system3.net)
Ph: +91.11.683.1465/684.2427

Received on Friday, 23 March 2001 07:09:14 UTC