RE: my PUT's are being scrambled, any suggestions?

Today I replaced the hard-coded setting of ContentType of 
"application/octet-stream" to use the guessContentTypeFromName
call, after changing the hardcoded value to "application/zip" and
not getting the corruption. But I am also testing this now at
work, whereas I was getting errors the other day while working
at home. Wanting to determine if this might have been
a connection problem of sorts, I also re-tried it again with the
value hardcoded to octet-stream and the file was fine.
So, it appears I have something messed up on my home
system, either maybe an older, bug ridden JVM or
maybe just bad connection that day.

Bob Schader
CAD Systems Admin
Product Design Intl., Inc.
4880 36th St. SE, Suite 100
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
(616) 667-2600 x104

Received on Monday, 26 February 2001 22:11:54 UTC