Re: Securityissue with buffer overflow?

On Wed, 3 Jan 2001, Manty, George wrote:

> > I read a while ago that there was a security issue with a former version
> > of  CERN httpd.  The problem was regarding a buffer overflow security
> > hole.  I was wondering if Jigsaw has been tested to ensure that the server
> > can not be attacked with a buffer overflow attack.

CERN httpd was written in C, while Jigsaw is in Java, with bound-checking
taken care of by the language.
So it is safer because of the language, but you can have a configuration
that can allow someone to get unwanted information or upload things (if
you enable PUT without adding restriction with credential, preferably
using DigestAuth).

Yves Lafon - W3C / Jigsaw - XML Protocol - HTTP
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Wednesday, 3 January 2001 10:25:35 UTC