Re: Sockets in Jigsaw

hi again,

> On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Thomas Kriegelstein wrote:
> > 
> > And now to my question:
> >  Is this likely to be changed in an upcoming stable release of Jigsaw this
> > year? Is there a chance to have a factory for customized outgoing sockets?
> There is already a way to do that, see the HttpMuxConnection and
> HttpMuxServer in HttpManager you have a server class, which defaults to
> HttpBasicServer.
> Would that help or is it not enough for what you want to do? 
> Regards,
>       /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 

As of Jigsaw 2.0.5 which I'm currently using, HttpServerState,
HttpConnection and all subclasses of that are only package-visible.

So there is no easy way to extend one or more of these classes to do what i
want. The easiest solution i came up with, would be to extend HttpBasicServer
and HttpBasicConnection to suit my needs, but this is impossible without
having my classes under org.w3c.www.protocol.http.

So, i have questions, again ;)
  Will the visibility of the mentioned classes be changed in future
releases, or do i have to implement all again? Besides, this would start
with HttpServer and needs access to HttpServerState, which is as mentioned
above only package-visible.

  Thomas Kriegelstein

Thomas Kriegelstein
   Der ideal zur Chiffrierung vorbereitete Klartext ist orthographisch
   falsch, sprachlich knapp, stilistisch grauenhaft.
                                     < Bauer, Kryptologie, Seite 139 >

Received on Monday, 25 September 2000 05:06:23 UTC