Re: it start

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Christophe Vigny wrote:

> Hum,
> It seems that it was because I have an older sax api version in my
> classpath.
> I change this and every thing is ok.
> I was already using hotspot v1.0.1
> know A new bug : when a push the http-server button of the new jigadmin I've
> got the joined file Exception on the server side.
> then a msgbox : Unable to contact ... after 3 time.
> I say ok and the it work ...

You don't have the servlet classes in your PATH, and before removing the
resource, the server now barks (I know we will get a lot of mail about
this one!)
> Just a question about the parser. why XP more than OpenXml.
XP was the first we found with the right redistribution license. But any
good parser should work also.

> When should we get a buitin jsp implementation ( I know that jigsaw support
> .jhtml) but jsp support is essential to make jigsaw the best java http
> server becaus it's the best way to build web application, much faster than
> servlet.

It is far easier for now to reuse the engine done by Sun (jswdk1.0), if
their is a documentation on how to interface the servlet API with the
engine, we may think of a direct resource->JSP engine integration, but it
depends on Sun ;)

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
 /  \    \/\    
/    \   /  \ -    

Received on Friday, 10 September 1999 08:58:16 UTC