it start


It seems that it was because I have an older sax api version in my
I change this and every thing is ok.

I was already using hotspot v1.0.1

know A new bug : when a push the http-server button of the new jigadmin I've
got the joined file Exception on the server side.

then a msgbox : Unable to contact ... after 3 time.
I say ok and the it work ...

Just a question about the parser. why XP more than OpenXml.
When should we get a buitin jsp implementation ( I know that jigsaw support
.jhtml) but jsp support is essential to make jigsaw the best java http
server becaus it's the best way to build web application, much faster than

good weak jigTeam.

Received on Friday, 10 September 1999 05:42:40 UTC