Re: Jigsaw proxy - using protocol...

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Yves Lafon wrote:

> > is it right that the Jigsaw proxy is using the same HTTP protocol version
> > to communicate with the server as the protocol that the client is using to
> > access the proxy ?
> The Jigsaw client will try (if possible) to use HTTP/1.1 connections, as
> this protocol is far better as HTTP/1.0 regarding cache semantics.
> So if a client is sending an HTTP/1.0 request to a Jigsaw proxy, the
> request issued by the proxy will be HTTP/1.1

but if we look at HttpBasicServer class, at doRequest function, we'll find
the line "switch (getRequestMode(request))" and from this I got my
conclution. am I wrong ?

Live long and Prosper
   Semuel Vomberg
      EE student
         Technion, Israel

Received on Thursday, 2 September 1999 08:04:52 UTC