FW: HttpCredential Field and BasicAuthentication

Would it be OK, to add a 3rd field as a authentication parameter in the
client-side HTTPCredential and send as part of the basic cookie? It seems to
be received by the Jigsaw Web Server fine
> (in addition to userId/password)? Obviously, this would mean that
> we will need to write our own custom auth handler on server side.
> E.g., 
>  HTTPBasic decoded cookie: userId:password:3rdAuthField
> Will the 3rd field added to HttpCredential as part of basic cookie
> impact any standard WWW proxy authentication? E.g., should the
> 3rd field order be at the end s.t. proxies continue to process
> the first two field according as userId/password?

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 1999 18:57:47 UTC