PUT doesn't PUT for me

Hello.  I've just begun to work with Jigsaw 2.02 under OS/2.  Since it seems
to work quite well, I thought I'd put it to a particular use.  Netscape 4.5x
has the notion of roaming profiles.  These could be quite useful for people
like me who use a bunch of PCs.  When it starts, Netscape will look on an
http server directory (with authentication) for a user profile, and on exit,
it will PUT these files back to the server.

So I created in JS a DirectoryResource like this:
+ ProfileSpace
   + HTTPFrame (Putable, Browseable, etc., are TRUE; I've left method blank
and also put them all in)
      + GenericAuthFilter

I browsed to this directory to test authentication, and found that it works
ok.  Then I turned on NS' roaming profiles and told NS to look in
ProfileSpace for profiles.

In this scenario, NS' first job on start is to hit ProfileSpace with a PUT
of a file called WRITETEST.  At that time it uses your login and password.
I can't get past this point, as NS says there's a network error, and that
the server isn't responding.  Once I've got Netscape going I *can*
authenticate to ProfileSpace, and I can see the file called WRITETEST.  But
WRITETEST isn't actually on the http server's file system.  And when I click
WRITETEST in the browser I get back the message from JS that there is no
such file, and that the server is misconfigured.

The log shows:
- PUT WRITETEST with result 401
- DELETE WRITETEST with result 405
- PUT WRITETEST with result 405
- DELETE WRITETEST with result 405

I have some guesses about what's wrong:
- I haven't correctly told JS that it can PUT into ProfileSpace (Methods on
the GenericAuthFilter do include PUT)
- JS doesn't know what kind of file WRITETEST is, so it doesn't know *how*
to put it on the file system.
- There's some other connection between a PUT and the file system that I
don't know about.

Also, the SERVER.PROPS file has TRACE set to true but I don't get anything
in the traces file.

Frank Burleigh
Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington
burleigh@indiana.edu; voice 812-855-9170

Received on Sunday, 11 April 1999 16:29:11 UTC