Http handler and .props parameters and SSL protocol doc.

Okay, I'm back again with my SSL stuff and so on.
See, if it's so nastly to provide secure transmissions
in a whole package, then those extensions might 
be provided be a third party.
IAIK has been provided interesting things which 
doesn't seems to be working properly with 2.0.3 version, 
so it seems that there's something wrong they caught 
with versions compliance of your product.

In that case, what we need is : 
-  examples for building an http handler ( which could 
be modified to an https handler )
- documentation about what's could be putted in all
those .props files ( and certainly in the config sub-dir )
- and certainly documentation about https protocol.

Otherwise, good crypto. things are provided by Sun 
or Cryptix for those outside US.

Then people will need to check about legal stuff
( especially in crypto. frightened country as France, 
US, Irak, ... ).

So the question is : where to get all those three items
on this side of the Atlantic Ocean ( the right one .. .  :) 
to start working ).

Why it's needed ? - I'm working in financial area, and 
you need to provide a small bit of security ( even if it's 
not suffisant ) to some transaction processing, especially
if money is concerned ).

Greetings - Jacques Brax

Received on Monday, 2 August 1999 17:53:28 UTC