Re: Sessions are dying ...

Hi Benoit,

Here's what the spec says for getMaxInactiveInterval()


     public int getMaxInactiveInterval();

Returns the maximum amount of time, in seconds, (...) 


However, for setMaxInactiveInterval it doesn't say anything about the
unit. The source code for the JSDK 2.1 does say it expects the value
to be in seconds.

Do you think this is a documentation/spec bug ? I'm thinking of
a doc bug since this might cause confusion amongst the different 
servlet implementations.

Anyways, glad to hear you're changing it :)


Benoit Mahe wrote:
> Well, the specification doesn't specify the unit (seconds or milliseconds), and
> with Jigsaw setMaxInactiveInterval() needs an interval in milliseconds, not
> in seconds.
> Of course, if the interval is 10 miliseconds, the session will be invalidate
> each time the sweeper will check it (by defaut: 30s).
> But, I'm going to change that to be in seconds...

Received on Thursday, 15 July 1999 10:08:02 UTC