POST seems to be cumulative...

Forgive this newbie-ish question, but I'm writing an email reader
servlet using JavaMail, and successive POSTs to the servlet seem to be
sending cumulative POST information.  I can't figure out what I need to
clear between requests.  Is this a carry-over from within the session
itself, does the POST need to be flushed or something?

Also, I can request a specific msg through IMAP and the servlet responds
to the browser nicely.  However, if I try to get a listing of all msgs
in the INBOX, I can tell the servlet isn't bombing out, because it's
d/ling the headers, but then the browser times out, and the response
never gets sent.  (I'm not expecting a JavaMail answer here, I'm
assuming this is a servlet response issue, or possibly an exception I'm
mucking up, which is why I'm asking you geniuses.)  Is it possibly a
buffer size problem?  I've been testing it on my fat 280msg inbox. just
d/ling headers.  doResponse routine is below:

protected void doResponse(String frameDisplay, HttpServletResponse r)
throws IOException {
	StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
	frameDisplay = replaceString(frameDisplay, "\r\n", "<br>\r\n");
	s.append("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>FlashyMail Test</TITLE></HEAD>\n");
	s.append("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#000000\" TEXT=\"#ffffff\">\n");
	s.append("<FONT size=2 face=\"" + fontChoice + "\">\n");
	s.append(frameDisplay + "<br>");

-- mike

P.S.	Yes, I am running this on Jigsaw, natch.

Received on Sunday, 11 July 1999 08:13:34 UTC