Re: NT, image & class problems

Nathan Rozentals writes:

>      Dear Sirs,
>      I have been working with Jigsaw for about a week now, and have some 
>      problems which I just can't seem to resolve.
>      Installation is as follows: JDK 1.1.6, JSDK 2.0, jigsaw 2 0 beta 3.
>      I have managed to install Jigsaw on my Win95 machine, and have a 
>      "listener" running on port 8001.  (This machine also has Personal Web 
>      Server running on a different port)
>      Problems are as follows:
>      1. When I view the documentation, none of the images are displayed. 
>      (eg /Doc/User/jigadmauth.gif).

 Strange, did you check that jigadmauth.gif is on the disk?

>      2. I have also written some servlets that create pages to run normal 
>      Java applets.  Whenever I try to view these pages, I get a "class not 
>      found" error.

 Well, did you read the servlet documentation? [1]

>      3. I have also tried to install the same on our NT Internet Server 
>      (production machine), and it just will not work.  This server is 
>      running IIS 3.0 on port 8080.
>      Installation was the same, the "listener" seems to run OK, but I just 
>      cannot access any of the pages.  I have tried both the "-host 
>      <hostname>", as well as the "-host <ip address>" options, but to no 
>      avail.

 What's happen exactly? Can you reach the server or not?

>      What am I doing wrong ?
>      - Nathan Rozentals, QDC South Africa.
>      P.S. I have tried to look through your mail archive, but our internet 
>      connection is so slow that it would take me weeks to crawl through all 
>      the messages.


 Regards, Benoit.

- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
                      World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
                    Architecture domain - Jigsaw Team      - - + 

Received on Monday, 26 October 1998 07:48:34 UTC