Re: SSI <!--#exec cmd="ls -lsa" -->

SOAVE Luca wrote:

> I' ve downloaded version 2.0 of Jigsaw on a SunOS 5.5.1 sparc Ultra-1.
> I'm interested in using SSI command like <!--#exec cmd="ls -lsa" --> end it
> work,
> ecception made for the fact I   get  half output ( i mean 20 or 30 lines max
> for client window  ).

I have also downloaded it, and tested it under Windows NT (and 95). I will
report separately other problems I've found (some fixed, some not).

> It seems to be a buffer output limit or something like that.
> Any sugest will be great.
> Bye

I had the same problem using the SSI command jdbc. I tracked the problem down to
the fact that the "Content-Length" header written is wrong. I don't know if it's
the proper solution, but it worked for me.

Add the following line

> reply.setHeaderValue(Reply.H_CONTENT_LENGTH,null) ;

to, to method handle

>             default:
>                 reply.setStream
>                     (new SSIStream(segments,
>                                    partReps,
>                                    new RandomAccessFile(fresource.getFile(),"r"))) ;
-----> Here

>             case HTTP.NO_CONTENT:
>             case HTTP.NOT_MODIFIED:

I don't know if something goes wrong with the merging process, a little bit up
in the same method. This patch fixes the problem, but I'm not sure why...

Maybe the experts can help us to understand.

Received on Wednesday, 14 October 1998 10:08:15 UTC