Re: Jigsaw on Linux - Servlet resource disappears from JigAdm!!!

Quoting S.Ramaswamy (
> We have been using Jigsaw2.0 beta 2 under Windows NT successfully. We
> zipped the Jigsaw from Windows NT  as it is including servlet
> Linux box. The servlet started running fine. But
> somewhere, we suddenly started getting the error,
> http://...../servlets/MxStart not found on this server. We went to
> JigAdm and to our surprise the servlet resource under root had
> disappeared!!!
> You had earlier mentioned about running Jigsaw with -trace option. We do
> not know how to do that? Hence I am not able to provide you with any
> more information
> For General Information
> =================
> We are listing two points we observed for everyone's attention and
> comments
> a)   If we do not say super.init() in the servlets that we have written
> by extending HttpServlet, we get "Remote Access Exception" when we try
> to confiure the servlet from JigAdm.
> b) If we specify "matrix.tenza.servlet.MxStart.class" as the name of our
> servlet-class in Attribute Tab of a servlet then we get an error.
> Instead if we specify just "matrix.tenza.servlet.MxStart" then it works


 My experience about Jigsaw is that it's a very serious test of the network
layers of a JDK implementation and not all JDK releases on Linux actually
pass the test. I am still using here an old Java-1.1.5 version which 
proved stable with Jigsaw code. You may have to try various JDK before
finding one which actually runs stable with Jigsaw.

~ -> java -version
java version "cls:03/11/11-08:49"
~ -> ls -l /usr/local/jdk
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           17 Sep  3 17:34 /usr/local/jdk -> jdk1.1.5v5-980311/
~ -> 


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