Re: help about writing filter

wzh'163 wrote:

> Hello
>     i hava written a file named "myDebugFilter" the same as "DebugFilter"
>     how can i use it in jigadm,please help me

I followed the instructions for configuring jigsaw as a proxy server and
found some filter properties where I could add my protocol filter class.
After some difficulties with persistence using jigadm I finally edited the
file "config/http-server.props" and appended my filter class name
"CWTDebugFilter" to the filters property. My line looks like this:-


I attach my filter in case this is useful. It captures the "POST" strings
passing through jigsaw when used as a proxy and the user is submitting a form
to a remote site.
It is less successful (but works sometimes!) at capturing the html page
contents as I don't fully understand how or when to tap into the input
streams without damaging them..
Chris Turner,

Received on Wednesday, 16 December 1998 05:24:51 UTC