Re: Indexer-questions, again

On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Stefan Speidel wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to configure an Indexer in which all is the same like the
> default-indexer exept of the index. It schould be index.htm instaed of
> Overview.html. All this files should be indexed in a Sub-Dir of WWW.
> I configured like that:
> - added DirectoryrResource to /indexer/default/directories called WWW
> - added an httpd-frame to WWW
> - set the indexer of WWW to default (all prameters of default should be
> used in WWW exept of the index)
> ... but it doesn't work. What's wrong? Thanks fo Helping

What is your WWW, the normal path where the files are, or something in the
URL, if it is the first case, you only need to modify the default indexer,
otherwise you will have to create a new indexer.
This new indexer will have the default indexer as its super-indexer
(attribute of the indexer). The only thing in this indexer will be the
"*default*" in "directories", which will be the same as the one in the
default indexer expect that the "index" attribute of the HTTPFrame will
have index.htm 
Then, you will have to add a special "WWW" in the directories of the
default indexer, like the *default* directory, but set, as its attribute
(of the DirectoryResource) the "indexer" attribute to your new indexer.

Then, going from the root, you will use the default indexer. Then you find
a WWW, it will then be created and everything under it will be indexed
with the new indexer (unless you force the change of indexer again).
Hope it is clear :)

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Received on Thursday, 4 June 1998 11:57:16 UTC