[Q] Servlet Install

    I try to install the servlet with jigsaw2.0beta1, I follow the step
in FAQ, but meet some error:

>>  3.Select the space node, and activate the Resources editor helper.
Enter the >>DirectoryResource identifier (ie servlets) and the class
>>     of the resource (ie org.w3c.jigsaw.resources.DirectoryResource)

I make new dir called servlets under WWW
the steps above works OK.

>>  4.Add a org.w3c.jigsaw.servlet.ServletDirectoryFrame to your new

I select directory "servlets" and pree "Frame" then Select
In this Step, an error appears " RemoteAccessException"

>>  5.Put the servlet class (ie DateServlet.class) in WWW/servlets (or
in the >>CLASSPATH).
>>  6.Create a ServletWrapper in the DirectoryResource and call it
DateServlet for >>example.

An error same with step 4.

   Could anyone tell me what  I should do?
   My platform is SunOS2.5.1, jdk1.1.5.
Lu Shan

Received on Thursday, 30 April 1998 01:53:46 UTC