Re: Embedded Servlets!

> >>...
> >
> >You can give the extension you want to your file. The default indexer
> >in Jigsaw index the .shtml file as SSIResource but you can index some .html
> >file as SSIResource (or whatever you want).
> >
> >Benoît.
> >
> How can I index some .html file as a SSIResource?
> If I browse with JigAdmin to a file /test.html it is already indexed as a
> FileResource. How can I change this file to SSIResource?
> Is it also possible to index a whole directory as SSIResource?
> How?
> Wolfgang

 The default indexer ("default") has two child (extensions and directories)

  |--- control
  |--- http-server
  |     |--- control
  |     |--- indexers
  |     |      |--- default
  |     |      |     |--- directories
  |     |      |     |--- extensions
  |     |      |     |     |--- html
  |     |      |     |     |--- shtml
  |     |      |--- icons 
  |     |      |     |--- directories
  |     |      |     |--- extensions
  |     |      | 

 extensions contains some resources with name like "gif" "htm" "html" etc.
 Each time Jigsaw has to serve a new file, he look in this set of
 resources the one relative to the file extension and make a clone of it.
 So if you want Jigsaw to serve .html file as SSIResource, you have to
 define a new indexer (with default as a super-indexer) and add an 
 SSIResource(*) called html in extension.
 Now if you want some DirectoryResource to serve html file as SSIResource,
 you just have to associate them with your new indexer.

 If you want only one html file to be a SSIResource, you can do it manually.
 Delete the existing resource (if there is one), add a new SSIResource(*) with
 the name of the old resource, configure it (icons, content-type, ...) and

 (*) SSIResource for 1.0beta, FileResource + SSIFrame for 2.0alpha


- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
                      World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
                    Architecture domain - Jigsaw Team      - - + 

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 1998 03:39:04 UTC