Re: cached resources

Yves Lafon wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Jan 1998, Gil Hansen wrote:
> > How can one tell if a resource being downloaded is obtained from the cache
> > or from the remote host?
> If Jigsaw give the resource from the cache, the ingoingFilter of
> CacheFilter will return a Reply, you can use that.
> Another thing is to detect the Age: 0, but clearly, it is a hack :)

According to the docs ingoingFilter procesing should stop if a non-null Replyis
returned. Shouldn't this mean that no other ingoingFilters are called when the
CacheFilter returns a non-null Reply? In our test cases, the ingoingFilters are

still being called.  What is the purpose of calling the other ingoingFilters if
Reply was returned by the CacheFilter? Subsequent filters which attempt to
modify a request would be useless. However, filters that authorize access, for
example, would still be useful... but, it doesn't appear that Jigsaw can
both types. Unless, of course, one could place ingoingFilters BEFORE the
CacheFilter (e.g. custom authorization).

Further, ingoingfilters are only passed in requests, so other ingoingFilters
wouldn't know if a non-null Reply exists would it? But rather, it looks like
we'd have  to modify Jigsaw instead. Is this true?



> ...

>      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium -
>   /\ /  \                Architecture Domain - Jigsaw
>  /  \    \/\
> /    \   /  \ -


Paul Pazandak                            
Object Services and Consulting, Inc.   
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420-5409                       612-881-6498

Received on Friday, 23 January 1998 11:55:14 UTC