Re: servlet quick start

> i've read over the docs to jigsaw, but i think i am missing
> something.  
> how do i install a servlet?  for example, i just want to access
> http://host/servlet/SnoopServlet and how do i configure jigsaw to
> run it?  how do i install my own servlet?

 There's a FAQ in Jigsaw User Guide, you can find all the
 explaination there.

> while i'm here, can a servlet call a jni (C++) function without
> crashing (as apache seems to do).  my servlet works fine with
> srun, and i wish it to run on jigsaw.

 I think there will be no problem to do that. If it is supported
 by the JDK (and I think so), it will works with jigsaw.


- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
World Wide Web Consortium              
Architecture domain - Jigsaw Team               tel : 04 93 65 79 89

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 1997 11:56:23 UTC