Re: JigsawHttpServletResponse.setHeader()

> I'm having a strange problem with JigsawHttpServletResponse setHeader() method.
> For some reason, its not working for me in a very obvious case. I can't
> seem to do a setHeader for "Set-Cookie". The result of the following class is:
> "Set-Cookie=false". Am I going about this wrong? Making wrong assumptions
> about what I can and can not set? This works with srun and I'm trying to figure
> out what behaviour I'm depending on so that it doesn't work with jigsaw.
> I traced through the code that does this and noticed that the lower level
> implementation
> does a toLowerCase() on the keys being added. Could this be the cause of the
> problem?
> import*;
> import javax.servlet.*;
> import javax.servlet.http.*;
> public class tester extends HttpServlet {
>   protected void doGet (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
>        throws ServletException, IOException
>     {
>       res.setContentType("text/html");
>       res.setHeader("Set-Cookie","TONE=BASS");
>       boolean contains = res.containsHeader("Set-Cookie");
> res.getOutputStream().print("<HTML><BODY>Set-Cookie="+contains+"</BODY></HTML>");
>     }
> }

 I think it's a bug in the containsHeader method of JigsawHttpServletResponse.
  public boolean containsHeader(String header) {
    return request.hasHeader(header);

  must be

    public boolean containsHeader(String header) {
    return reply.hasHeader(header);

 The Set-Cookie Header is set correctly (in reply) but the containsHeader
 method look at the request object.


- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
World Wide Web Consortium              
Architecture domain - Jigsaw Team               tel : 04 93 65 79 89

Received on Wednesday, 10 September 1997 04:00:53 UTC