Re: Jigsaw removes Resource!

> I do not claim that I completely understand the Jigsaw Resource Management,
> but I think found something which could cause my problem.
> In I found the method:
> This piece of code looks to me like if the file does not exists this methos
> returns false; if the files exists it returns true.
> Now this class is subclassed by, which overwrites this
> method.
>     /**
>      * The verify method of a postable resource will always return <strong>
>      * false</strong>.
>      * Any PostableResource has to be removed manually.
>      * @return Always <strong>false</strong>.
>      */
>     public boolean verify() {
>  return false;
>     }
> But this method returns always false, which means the file/resource does not
> exist. Is this correct???
> Can this cause the problem, that my PostableResource will be removed by
> Jigsaw every 3-4 days showing this line in errlog:
> iaik.jigsaw.resources.RegMailPasswordResource@/JavaSecurity/Register:
> C:\Development\Jigsaw\Jigsaw\WWW\JavaSecurity\Register: deleted, removing
> the FileResource.

 The value returned by verify() is not very important, If the verify
 method doesn't remove the resource, the resource should not be removed.

 The trace found in errlog make me think that your resource has been removed
 during a get(). Actually the get method of PostableResource can call the 
 FileResource get method (see get in PostableResource). But if your resource
 doesn't have an associated file, this call will remove your resource.
 If your resource doesn't need an associated file you have to redefine the
 get method in your resource (without calling the super one).

 I think that will solve your problem.

- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
                      World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
                    Architecture domain - Jigsaw Team      - - + 

Received on Friday, 28 November 1997 06:49:15 UTC