Poison in food we all eat (e.g., fruit, meat, cheese)

To: Scientists and non-scientists

In most countries, law requires us to offer help to
anyone whose life is in danger.

An extremely poisonous "substance" may infest the very
common - basic - types of foodstuff.

It causes cancer and destroys the immune system. There
is no known antidote, no cure. Cooking or freezing do
not destroy it. Death by it may be slow and painful.

In the USA, danger is minimized thanks to rigorous and
frequent tests by FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
       -There is no cause for undue alarm-

In order to further reduce the risk, the chairman of
SIPEC, a Consumer Protection nonprofit society in
Athens, has prepared a guidebook on

a) How to detect - and thus avoid - the said poison.
b) How to make, with no tools, an inexpensive instrument
   that will immediately render the poison "visible."
   (said instrument is small, highly portable, materials
   can be bought for about 12$ from any relevant shop)

c) A natural substance, that might benefit those already
   exposed to small amounts of this lethal agent.

d) Foods detrimental and harmful to your health.

These instructions are impartial and unbiased, because
SIPEC is in no way connected to - or financed by - any
government or business corporation.

You will also get good advice on certain other "hot"
issues, such as
-credit cards,
-junk mail,
-counterfeit currency
 (instructions for making a detector), etc..

This guidebook is available by e-mail for 10$ (US).

SIPEC does NOT accept any donations by individuals or
other entities, for we intend to remain independent.

"All persons may be sellers in their field but, in all
 other transactions, they are CONSUMERS (Buyers)."

-Educating - informing the consumer is the single most
 realistic way to protect each and every person.

To remain independent, we'd rather receive a little
from many than a lot from a few. Furthermore, instead
of accepting a donation, even a small one, we would
rather "sell" some very useful information for a very
small fee.

                        HOW TO GET IT
Just fill in the form below and send it to us by airmail,

PLEASE, use a printer, if possible, often hand writing
is illegible and we get frustrated for not being able to
reach the person contacting us.


Society for Information, Protection,
Education of Consumers (SIPEC)


PS We respond on a "first come - first served basis".
This letter contains no exaggerations. The danger is
real, well documented and disputed by no one. -Only
the obvious solution remained so far unnoticed. Let
us send the material at once. With your support, this
information will be made available for free, as soon
as we can pay for a web presence and the"advertising"
of its existence. We need to be our own ISP, (so as
to address issues that might conflict with those of
certain "politicians" - or business companies) and
that costs and we can afford it only with your help
and support.

Persons with a suppressed immune system (e.g., those
having received a transplant, HIV positive, seniors)
will especially benefit.

                            ORDER FORM

To: Denis Vaden, (chairman - SIPEC),
    Box 30135, Gr10033 ATHENS - HELLAS ("Greece")

My name is:____________

My e-mail is:__________

Send me by e-mail the instructive guidebook mentioned
above. The format I prefer is .TXT  .RTF .DOC MSWORD,
. HTML .WPD Word Perfect - Corel Word Perfect
(Leave the one you want, erase all others)

I include 10$ (US) (cash, otherwise bank commissions
                 are greater than the amount itself)                     
I include the equivalent amount in any major currency.

Send the above information by registered air mail to:

(chairman - SIPEC)
Box 30135
Gr-10033 ATHENS
HELLAS ("Greece")

    N O T I C E:

Received on Monday, 24 November 1997 10:03:38 UTC