
    I seem to be missing something perhaps someone can point me in the
right direction.
Under the default indexers directories database, I have defined a
DirectoryResource called
cgi-bin and set it to use the CGI-scripts indexer. I then edited the
CGI-scripts indexer
extensions database to wrap various file extensions certain ways.

Here is where things dont quite work. Since I have not manually created
a cgi-bin directory resource,
but the physically directory lives under root. I would like the resource
factory to look in the
default directory extensions database and find the cgi-bin directory
template. Then using the indexer
assigned to that directory template, look in that indexers extensions
database to figure out how to
build the needed resource for delivery.

I was under the impressions since I had not manually created the
directory resource under root,
jigsaw would do this for me. However, I only get the dreaded
404...../cgi-bin/ not on this server.

Thanks in advance for any help in this area....

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 1997 00:39:57 UTC