Proxy Woes...

Harihara Vinayakaram writes:
 > Hi,
 > 	I am using 1.0 aplha 5 as a Proxy Server. I followed the steps and
 > have got Jigsaw running as a proxy server.
 > 	But when I connect to the Proxy Server itself I am not able to
 > connect it. If I run it in a trace mode it looks like Jigsaw proceeds in
 > a infinite loop the Via header keeps growing with the same host itself.
 > 	I set the local-root to $HOME/Jigsaw/Jigsaw. I also tried $HOME/Jigsaw/
 > Jigsaw/WWW and root.
 > 	My guess is that I am doing something wrong in setting this resource.

This happens if you try to access the proxy itself through its HTTP
server port when the setting is incorrect. Check that the follow-up
attribute of your proxy resource does NOT match the proxy resource


Received on Tuesday, 3 June 1997 13:06:41 UTC