Re: servlets

I've seen the same error and haven't had time to track it down.


At 09:27 AM 3/25/97 +-100, Hubert Dufays wrote:
>i have jigsaw (alpha5) and a servlets directory
>under WWW/ (plus servlets beta win32).
>when i just try with the add resource link:
>name: servlets
>class: w3c.jigsaw.servlet.ServletDirectory
>i have an "error":
>=>"java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Unimplemented interface method".
>and under jigsaw:
>"Fill in the name of the extension, and the class that files having this
extension should be exported with."
>What to do in my own case ?

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 1997 11:35:16 UTC