Re: JDK 1.1 advantage?


I would also like to be able to run 1.1 Jigsaw on a VMS (Vax) machine.
do you know of a 1.0.2 or 1.1 JVM that will run on this platform ?

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: JDK 1.1 advantage?
Author: at MEMCPSMTP
Date:    3/10/97 2:02 AM

Dmitriy Kruglyak writes:
 > I'd like to know whether the next release of Jigsaw will take 
 > advantage of the new features in JDK 1.1 and whether the 
 > compatibility with JDK 1.02 will be maintained (or there will 
 > be a double release?). I guess one of the greatest features 
 > of the new JDK is highly enhanced performance for both JVM 
 > and compiler. It would be interesting to see benchmarks of 
 > Jigsaw on JDK 1.1 against Jigsaw on JDK 1.02 and other web 
 > servers.
1.0alpha5 will compile/run under 1.1 (not taking advantage of it 
fully, though)
My plan was for next release to be totally 1.1, I had hopes that by 
next June, all Java VM would have been 1.1. As this doesn't seem to ne 
realistic, I might, as you say have to do two releases (a tough job 
If you have strong feelings against a Java 1.1 only release in June, 
let me know,

Received on Monday, 10 March 1997 10:04:37 UTC