Jigsaw & Searching


Well, the first rough cut of integrated cardfile database and HTML
now works. 

Implemented as follows :

 class SearchEngineResource -> User interface for searching contains...
 class SearchResultResource -> One for each search request processed,
                               operates on ....
 interface Searchable       -> Provides primitive search functions,
                               implemented by...
 class SearchDirectoryResource -> Primitive directory searching
                                  (linear,  no index/cache yuk!) and....
 class CardFileResource     -> Contains cardfile, implements
So, using one SearchEngineResource (or sub-class it for different
interfaces) you can search a resource tree of seachable objects -
either directories or cardfiles, and get one combined result back.

Next steps, improved interfacing, efficient directory search, better
result reporting.

You can preview the code at
User id : jigsaw
pwd     : jigsaw96

Joel.Crisp@bris.ac.uk | ets-webmaster@bris.ac.uk  | "I remember Babylon" -
Software Engineer, Institute for Learning and     |        Arthur C Clarke
Research Technology, University of Bristol, UK    |
http://www.ets.bris.ac.uk/                        |

Received on Monday, 27 January 1997 05:17:00 UTC