Re: Jigsaw as a service! writes:
 > But I have a question:
 > When the workstation is rebooted Jigsaw is killed and the restarted autom=
 > atically. 
 > Could this be a problem?

Yes it could, in particular if you're using it as a HTTP/server, the
config might now have been flushed to disk. The only way (right now)
to handle this is to make sure you checkpoint the config after
changing it. If I had the five minutes needed I would write a resource
to checkpoint config every N seconds (less than 50 lines of Java)...

 > Before starting Jigsaw as a service I configured everything and saved the=
 >  properties.
 > The only thing not saved could only be the status of the cache.

Same problem as above. Right now the cache state is saved every minute
by a specific thread. I have been arguing for some Java support to
handle that situastion (such as the equivent of onexit system call).,
without success :-(


Received on Friday, 25 October 1996 11:08:33 UTC