Re: Jigsaw as a proxy-serve/service!

Mahesh Joshi writes:
 > Hi,
 > I am running Jigsaw as a proxy server on NT 4.0 and it works
 > great except I cant access a few sites which complain about =
 > "bad protocol". (eg.

I just checked that site it uses:
Server: Mathopd/1.1b1

Don't forget that Jigsa wproxy is fullly http/1.1 compliant. I tried
to be as smart as possible with broken servers, but this one is out of

 > Also, how does one control how long a document should stay in the
 > cache? =

There is not much control available right now, more will be provided
when the caching algorithms become smarte (consider the current algo
as being level 0 of what could/should be done, ie its compliant and

 > There are certain sites like which change every 5 mins
 > which proxy servers and Web browsers should not cache. Netscape =
 > handles such sites correctly i.e. will always retreive a new
 > copy when requested. But Internet Explorer and Jigsaw always return
 > a cached version of the document.  I am not a Web expert, could
 > someone explain why this happens?

Itis up to webadmins to setup their site properly. A proxy cannot hard
code rules such as "" pages should always be
refreshed. There are a number of doing so. Jigsaw default
configuration, for example, states that all HTML pages are cacheable
for two days, you can change this globally (at the extension level),
or on a per document basis (check the max-age attribute of the

 > Also, under what IDEs are recommended/have worked with compiling
 > Jigsaw natively on NT 4.0/related platforms? =

Symantec runs it fine (and speed it up), that's the only com,piler
that I have checked. kaffe is the next one to test on my list.


Received on Wednesday, 23 October 1996 04:37:06 UTC