Interim release (1.0a?)?

Karsten D. Wolf writes:
 > Dear Anselm,
 > will You release an interim release with shorter filenames (for the Mac),
 > auth bug fix etc.?
 > Can You make some statements about Your release plan?

I will repeat them again:

- Jigsaw will be release to W3C members by the end of that week (well,
  at leat by monday's night, Boston time)
- As usual, the public release will happen a month latter.

This next release still deserves alpha status. I hope to reach beta
status (depending on your feedbacks) by the December 96 release.

The main goal of the upcomming release were:

- HTTP/1.1 compliancy
- HTTP/1.1 caching proxy

The main goal of the December release will be:

- Maintenance, bug fixes (reach stability)
- Applet based configuration.


Received on Thursday, 5 September 1996 16:48:39 UTC