Re: Unpickling ATTR_URL

Joel Crisp writes:
 > Hi
 > Thanks for the clarification. I understand now. ;-)
 > It seems to me that DirectoryResource is a good one to sub-class, but
 > it has a little too much in it which is specific to directory/file type
 > resourcing. Maybe we could do with a class (which is abstract?)
 > implementing the heirachical resource mamagement but without the
 > directory specific orientation.
 > Creating my new resources, I've had to cut and paste large chunks of
 > directory resource which are essentially unchanged. In my particular
 > case this would not help me - I need to inherit from FormResource as
 > well, but I can think of several cases where it would be useful.
 > If other people want this I', quite happy to make the changes

That's already on my todo, I was looking at something like:

StoreContainerResource (a container that manages a store)
(?) TemplateContainerResource
(?) ??

Would this help ? the bug split would be between ContainerResource and
StoreContainerResource (or whatever the name ends up being).


Received on Tuesday, 3 December 1996 05:49:27 UTC