
About an hour ago I asked -- "how does one map an extension, XXX, 
to w3c.jigsaw.forms.CgiResource?"

As fate would have it -- the answer that I had been seeking off and on
for a couple of days -- popped into my head soon after I let fly my e-mail! 
The attribute 'command' that I believe I have correctly set on the Extension's 
CgiResource was set, but not on the separate instance that was being created 
for my resources. 

The manual states that the Extension resource would act as defaults for 
instances of resources with that extension, hence one could default 
content-language to, say, "en". Was I wrong to assume that class specific 
attributes (such as 'command' for CgiResource) should also be defaulted?

When I manually set the command attribute on the CgiResource(s) that
are available for edit for my XXX extensioned files -- things work. (Obviously
I would prefer the functionality I had assumed, however I am glad to be
able to work with what I have.)

BTW: One small problem with Your resource sets the 
environment variable SERVER_NAME to "jigsaw". The software I am using 
expects a hostname so it can return local redirects, and this seems 
consistent with the version of the CGI interface specification that I found 

As I see it, I merely change line 228 of w3c.jigsaw.forms.CgiResource 
from	addEnv ("SERVER_NAME", "jigsaw", env) ;
to		addEnv ("SERVER_NAME", server.getHost(), env) ;

If you can spare me the time -- one final question, please. One line 232
you use server.getLocalPort() as opposed to server.getPort(). When might
these two vary?

Many thanks,

NEON Inc. 7400 East Orchard Road, Suite 230, Englewood, CO 80111 +1-303-6943933 

Received on Sunday, 23 June 1996 10:25:49 UTC