Re: Wrapping replies

Nickolay Saukh writes:
 > > Next release of Jigsaw should (if times allow) come with a
 > > fearly elaborate model for these global filters, which would allow -
 > > amongst other things - PEP (HTTP protocol extension protocol)
 > > processing.  
 > Is there any description of the model?

You mean the PEP model ? You  may want to read W3C working draft (I
can't remmebr the exact location, it is available from
working draft directory). Let me know if you can't find it.

If you mean the global filter stuff in next release, it's pretty much
the current filter model, with some enhancement to be able to plug
them on a server instance (w3c.jigsaw.http.httpd) rather than on a


Received on Sunday, 9 June 1996 16:41:10 UTC